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General Information

It is the last compulsory stage of the education system and includes 4 academic courses for all students when they finish Primary Education.  We prepare them for Professional Degree in Middle School studies, and for the world of work.





Students begin every day at 8 o'clock in the morning and end at 1:25 p.m. The afternoon schedule is from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., except on Wednesdays and Fridays.






The lessons are organized in common subjects (compulsory for all students) and optional subjects. Students choose the optional ones depending on what best suits their characteristics and expectations.

From 1st to 3rd of ESO, students also make a synthesis work. This is made up of a set of interdisciplinary activities related to the course curriculum.

After in 4th of ESO, students will have to choose an itinerary based on the studies they want to do, their interests and their abilities. Throughout the course, they prepare a Research Work-tutored by a teacher in the section.






The most important thing for us is the person and the fact that he/she can be developed in all his/her aspects to be fully happy.




At the end of the ESO stage, the student receives the Degree in Compulsory Secondary Education that will allow them to enter Professional Training.

Structure and academic itinerary
Attention to diversity and values ​​education
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